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19 主機服務

我們建議您的套件原始碼儲存庫使用 savannah.gnu.org,但這並非必要。請參閱 舊版本 章節,以瞭解更多關於 Savannah 的資訊。

我們強烈建議您使用 ftp.gnu.org 作為標準發行站點,以發佈您的發行版本。這樣做能讓開發者和使用者更容易找到最新的 GNU 發行版本。然而,若您希望使用其他伺服器亦可,前提是該伺服器允許公眾存取,且不受限制(例如,不排除任何國家)。


The programs <list of them> hosted here are free software packages
of the GNU Project, not products of <company name>.  We call them
"free software" because you are free to copy and redistribute them,
following the rules stated in the license of each package.  For more
information, see https://gnu.dev.org.tw/philosophy/free-sw.html.

If you are looking for service or support for GNU software, see
https://gnu.dev.org.tw/gethelp/ for suggestions of where to ask.

If you would like to contribute to the development of one of these
packages, contact the package maintainer or the bug-reporting address
of the package (which should be listed in the package itself), or look
on www.gnu.org for more information on how to contribute.

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