首屆 FSF 副會員大會,麻省劍橋市麻省理工學院校園

首屆 FSF 副會員大會於 2003 年 3 月 15 日星期六上午 10:00 至下午 4:30 在美國麻省劍橋市麻省理工學院舉行。

活動在麻省理工學院校園內的 1 號建築 190 室舉行。


2003 年副會員大會時程表

2003 年 3 月 15 日星期六
麻省理工學院,1 號建築 190 室

10:00 - 10:30   Continental Breakfast (provided)

10:30 - 12:00   FSF Program Staff Presentation, followed by Q&A

                Overview                        - Bradley M. Kuhn
                GPL Compliance Lab              - David Novalis Turner
                GNU Press                       - Lisa Opus Goldstein
                Free Software Directory         - Janet Casey
                FSF/GNU Computing 
                        Infrastructure          - Paul Fisher
                Digital Speech                  - Ravi Khanna

12:00 - 1:30    Lunch (provided, but donations to cover cost are requested.)

                During Lunch there will be an informal GPG Key Signing

1:30 - 2:15     GNU General Public License: The Next Generation

                Eben Moglen, Board Member and General Counsel of FSF
                Professor of Law & Legal History at Columbia Law School

                Foundation General Counsel, Eben Moglen, will discuss the
                future of the GPL, outlining the process for development
                of GPL version 3, and describing the challenges we face in
                making and adopting the next generation GPL.

2:15 - 3:00     The Legacy of Computer Science

                Gerald Jay Sussman, FSF Board Member
                Matsushita Professor of Electrical Engineering       
                Massachusetts Institute of Technology  

                We have witnessed and participated in great advances, in
                transportation, in computation, in communication, and in
                biotechnology.  But the advances that look like giant
                steps to us will pale into insignificance by contrast to
                the even bigger steps in the future.  Prof. Sussman will
                present and defend his viewpoint that Computer Science is
                not a science, and its ultimate significance has little to
                do with computers.  The computer revolution is a
                revolution in the way we think and in the way we express
                what we think.

3:00 - 3:10     Break

3:10 - 3:50     Q&A with FSF Leadership, including:

                Geoffrey S. Knauth    FSF Board Member
                Bradley M. Kuhn       FSF Executive Director
                Eben Moglen           FSF Board Member & General Counsel
                Henri Poole           FSF Board Member
                Richard M. Stallman   FSF President
                Gerald J. Sussman     FSF Board Member

3:50 - 4:00     Break
4:00 - 5:00     Copyright Versus Community in the Age of Computer Networks
                Richard M. Stallman
                Founder and President of FSF

5:00 -          Dinner 
