感謝 GNUs,2000

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2000 位支持者



Global NAPs,為 FSF 辦公室提供 T1 網際網路連線
IBM,租借給我們主要的 GNU 計劃郵件伺服器和主要發行辦公室電腦
VA Linux,為 gnuftp 和 gnudist 提供主機代管服務

企業贊助商(25,000 美元或以上)

Andover.net, Inc.
SRA, Inc. - Open Source Business Division (Japan)

Patrons ($5000 or more)

Anonymous (several)
ASL Workstations, Inc.
AT Computing bv (Netherlands)
Axis, Inc.
Center for the Public Domain
Dwight Johnson
IDG World Expo
James Van Artsdalen
Japan Linux Association (Japan)
Kyoto Micro Computer (Japan)
LinuxPPC, Inc.
Moonlight Systems
Perforce Software, on behalf of Doug Jeffreys
Robert Young
Stichting NLnet (Netherlands)
Turbolinux, Inc.

Sustaining Contributors ($1000 to $4999)

ASUSA Foundation
Audiovisual-Washington, Inc.
Barry Rountree
Bradley Yearwood
CodeMeta, Inc.
David L. Sanford
David W. Ignat
Donald and Jill Knuth
Hobby Computer Club (Netherlands)
James Robinson
Jeffrey A. Seifert
Krishna Kunchithapadam
Lynn H. Quam
Michael Coleman
Michael J. O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Matz
Neal McBurnett
Net Fonds ASA (Norway)
Nihon Sun User Group (Japan)
Pace Willisson
Paul Eggert
Philip Sackinger
Rick Lehrbaum
Software Tool & Die
Takeshi Ooshida and Yukiko Oikawa
Terence O'Gorman (Ireland)
T. H. and Patricia I. Puckett
The Amy and Michael Tiemann Charitable Gift Fund
The Boston Foundation
The Derald H. Ruttenberg Foundation
The Herbert O. Wolfe Foundation
The Nord Family Foundation
Yutaka Niibe (Japan)

Contributors ($500 to $999)

Ali Bahrami and Emilie Young
Andreas Voegele (Germany)
Anthony Foiani
Antony P. Joseph
Connecticut Free Unix Group
David Hampton
D. D. C. C.
Douglas A. Lane
Douglas Lewan
Duke University Computer Science Laboratory staff
Felix Finch
Jeff Radice
John Carmack
John Zapisek
Jorge Rimblas
Joseph Henry Kent III
Keith Sheffield
Larry Winiarski
Louis Vitela
Michael Hanau
Paul W. Reich
Raman Kannan
Ravi Sompalli
Scott A. Bendar
Thaddeus W. Batt
Tim Josling
Transitor Gijutsu magazine (Japan)
Vance Petree
Walter A. Rentschler

Supporters ($100 to $499)

Aaron Maxwell
Alan Thompson
Albert Flugel
Albert Harvey
Andreas Michlmayer
Andrew P. Alleman
Anonymous Donors at GNU Distribution, Europe
Anonymous Donors at Linux World Expo East, Feb. 2000
Anonymous Donors at Linux World Expo San Jose, August 2000
Anonymous Donors at Toronto COMDEX, July 2000
Anonymous (many)
Aristide S. Gola
Beth Bottos and Peter Stout
Bishr Tabbaa
Bob Bramwell
Bob Varney
Brian Lee Ivey
Cadacus, Inc.
Carolyn and Casey Cole
Charles J. Hubbard
Chien-Chung Liu
Christopher & Helen Eliot
Chris Zimman
Clark D. Mikkelsen
Cole Thompson
Colin G. Walters
Collin Baker
Cris A. Thomas
Dan C. Carroll
Daniel B. McDaniel
Daniel Oldman and Catherine Starkweather
Darius Rad
David G. McKenzie
David W. Beck
Dodderi S. Natesha
Donald E. Grimes
Donald W. Brettle
Don L. Scarborough
Dwight P. Rudolph, Jr.
Eclipse Technical Software Service bv (Netherlands)
Eric Branlund
Evgeny Roubinchtein
Ezra M. Dreisbach
F. Albrecht Conle
Frank M. Hess
Frank Ritter
Frank Tobin
Gerald P. Alldredge
Greg Wolff
Hans Peter Wuermli (Switzerland)
Hovav Shacham
Howard Golden
HP Computer Users' Association (Japan)
In-seok Hong (Korea)
Jacob W. Moorman
James M. Campbell
Jean-Francois Cayula
Jedi Systems, Inc.
Jeffrey G. Donner
Jeff Wandling
Jill and Ken Olstad
Joerg Kunze (Germany)
John and Abha Wiersba
John Ramsdell
John West
Jonathan L. Summers
Jonathan M. Cheyer
Joseph Provo
J. P. Abgrall
Jurika & Voyles, LP
Keith Johnson
Kenichi Nabeya
Kevin L. Dupree
Lalgudi Ramnarayan
Laurent Aries-Poinssot (France)
Lawrence Dean Miller
Lee Alan Shombert
Leonard Samuelson
Manyong Lee (Korea)
Maria C. Caussyn
Mark Jacobs
Mark Rustad
Mary Ann Tanner
Mentor Graphics
Michael Albert
Michael C. Poteet
Michael D. Kupfer
Michael J. Landrus
Michael McGraw
Michael Peterson
Microsoft Corporation
Mike Garver
Nihon Industrial Technology Center (Japan)
Paolo Lamponi
Paul D. von Behren
Peter J. Neumann
Prashanth Mundkur
Ramsay Key
Richard D. Shultz
Richard Tietjen
Richard T. Ney, Jr.
Rob Chauncey
Robert A. Stine
Robert Dunne
Robert H. Dodier
Robert M. Emmons
Russell S. Senior
Safeco Insurance Companies
San Minh Le
Seth and Kimberly Glattstein
Shaun T. Case
Shoeisha Corp. (Japan)
Stanley Zisk
Steven Bakalis
Steven Singles
Steven W. Snyder
Steve Roggenkamp
Sun Microsystems Foundation
Tamio Tsukamoto
T. Dan Bracken, Inc.
Thien-Thi Nguyen
Thomas N. Delmer
Thouis Raymond Jones
Tom Keeler
United Way of King County, WA
United Way of Saint Paul Area
United Way of the National Capital Area
University of Northern British Columbia
Vance Strickland
Van Slyke Family Fund
V. B. Madhavan
Vladislav Malyshkin
Vlatko Primorac
Wayne Pollock
Willard D. Dennis
William C. Lietzke
William D. Arnold
W. Michael Petullo

