感謝 GNUs,2009 年
如果您的捐款未正確列出、完全沒有列出,或是在您希望匿名時卻被列出,請寫信給我們,我們會更正問題。請寫信至 <development@fsf.org>。
請注意, 企業贊助者列在我們網站的企業贊助專區。
2009 年支持者
- Global NAPs,為 FSF 辦公室提供 T1 網路連線
- Global NAPs,為 FSF 伺服器提供主機代管服務
贊助者(5000 美元或以上)
- Cristian Francu
- James van Artsdalen
- Eben Moglen
- Julie and Gerald Jay Sussman
- Matt Mullenweg
- Ole Tange
- Skowronski Family Foundation
持續貢獻者(1000 美元至 4999 美元)
- Alex Dingle
- Alipes CME
- AT Computing bv
- Best Western Hotel Erb
- BitMover, Inc
- Boulder Labs, Inc.
- Crumlin Cross West Dublin 12
- David W Ignat
- Deke K. Clinger
- Donald Knuth
- Gabor Toth
- Gary Hasson
- Hotel Equatorial Management Sdn. Bhd.
- James Elam Jr.
- James van Artsdalen
- Jason Carroll
- Jean-Christophe VAUGEOIS
- Jean-Marc Capellero
- Jeff Weston
- John Gilmore
- Kahle/Austin Foundation
- Krishna Kunchithapadam
- Markus Hofschuster
- Mendel Biotechnology, Inc
- Michael Welsh
- Misha Dynin
- Philippe Aigrain
- Rick and Betsy Bronson
- Russell McManus
- Satoshi Kurihara
- Sverre H. Huseby
- Takeshi Nishimatsu
- Terence O'Gorman
- The Loren Michael Hanau Trust
- The NORD Family Foundation
- The San Francisco Foundation
- Warner Mach
- Yuji Shinokawa
- Yutaka Niibe
- Zenior AS
貢獻者(500 美元至 999 美元)
- Aaron Mitchell
- Advanced Business Group, LLC
- Alander Pulliam
- Alessandro Vesely
- Alexandre Dulaunoy
- Alex Dingle
- Andrew Lewman
- Andrew V. Belousoff
- Antonio Carzaniga
- Antony Joseph
- Anthony J. Stieber
- Brad Terry
- Brett Smith
- Bruce G Baumgart
- Bulent Basaran
- Carl Rigney
- Christina Howell & Jonathan Howell
- Clayton Davis
- Component Software, Inc
- Constellation Energy Group Employee Fund
- Daniel JB Clark
- Dave Crossland
- David Axmark
- David J Bailey
- David Moews
- David Updegraff
- Dean Vukas
- Dejan Petrovic
- Denis López
- Doyle Myers
- Eric Edwards
- Eric Moore
- Eric West
- Ext JS
- Felix M Finch
- Frank J. Niertit
- Frederick LeMaster
- Gary Hasson
- Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
- Greg Porter
- Greg Rudd
- Greg Raaum
- Gregory Maxwell
- Harley Gorrell
- Harlow, LC
- Harry W. Hickey
- iFixit
- Inouye Satoru
- James H. McConville
- Jason Self
- Jean-Francois Blavier
- Jelte van der Hoek
- Joan Gatnau i Florensa
- John Thomas
- Jon Howell
- Joseph Kohler
- Judicael Courant
- Kent Crispin
- Kevin J. McCarthy
- Knol
- Lawrence Fitzgerald
- Lawrence Ho
- Lowell Anderson
- M Manoj Kumar
- Marinos J. Yannikos
- Mario Lardieri
- Martin Bajer
- Martin Olsson
- Marty Pauley
- Matsumoto Kenichi
- Matt Kraai
- Michael Costello
- Michael Henderson
- Michael W Perry
- Mitch Haile
- Morey Hubin
- Neil and Marilyn Port Family Foundation
- Nicholas Anton
- Peter Rock-Lacroix
- Phillips Wolf
- Ralph M. Hockens
- Ravi Menon
- Robert Baldy, Software for Data Analysis Ltd
- Rogoberto Lapinid
- Richard Hoyle
- Richard Jones
- Robert A Stine
- Rob Weir
- Roland Emile Jacoby
- Roman Wissner
- Ron McCall
- Rouven Balci
- Salim Badakhchani
- Sarah Koskie
- Scott Boughton
- Selim Tavukcuoglu
- Stefan K. Berg
- Stephen Koermer
- Steven Alyari
- Steven C Jackson
- Tadas Balkelis
- Terrance Druggan
- Thad Starner
- Tharald Nustad
- Thom Brown
- Todd Simpson
- Tor Perkins
- Wayne Chapeskie
- William D. Arnold
- Yusei Tahara
- xokaido T. GNUcious